2D Fine Artist

Friday, March 11, 2011

Working towards my Thesis

"I needed to express what it was I was feeling or rather, not feeling. For a long time now I’ve been so concerned with hurting those around me that I ended up only hurting myself. The images that I’m depicting are my own personal experiences."

Oils on panel

This is a painting that I created using my younger sister as model and inspiration.
Oils on canvas, 36x48"

Figure drawings from 2011

2hr pose, watercolor 18x24"
2hr pose 18x24"
Three 40min poses on one piece

These are images that range from 10-45min poses. All are done in charcoal on 18x24" paper.

Some more figure painting work!

Oils on paper, 5hr study
Oils on paper, 4hr study
1-1 1/2hr study, oils on paper
Alice Neel inspired class this week!
My painting (to the right) and the model. Now you see what I see!
5hr study in oils on canvas.
One of my favorites from this class. 4hr study done in oils on canvas.
This is a 5hr study done in oils on canvas. The model never showed up so we improvised with a skeleton!

The work from this class varied from 1-5hrs. All pieces were completed in oil paint and done on either paper or canvas.

Some older work for ya

This is a drawing that I did of a life model. After drawing in all the facial planes and features I then placed the skeletal structure beneath his skin where it would lay.

Skull studies of the same skull from different angles.